La Magia Nuova - L'Approccio Tecnoscientifico !!!
Il sito di Karl Hans Welz, Inventore del
Chi Generator®, Orgonite® e
Orgone Radionics™
Finalmente potete disporre di tutto il potere della Magia !!!
Il sito web Internazionale per le tecnologie applicate alla Magia
HSCTI, P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA - Tel. 001 770 783 0563

The shortest distance between two points in the universe is a structural link™
La distanza più breve tra due punti nell'universo è un link strutturale

Tecnologia ad Energia Orgonica per
   Crescita personale,
        Fitness, Sport, Body Building
             Gestione degli obiettivi,
                  Controllo della mente
                       Soluzioni permaneneti per il futuro!

Index Catalogo
Accessories to the Chi Generators®
and Power Radionics™ Devices

The EPU 2400 Exterior Precision Module
Driven by the sound output of your PC or any CD player
With the EPU 2400 you can triple the power of your HD device!

Attach this exterior module to the soud output (speaker jack) of your PC or to any CD player.  Play CD's with pre-set frequencies on your CD player, loop sound frequencies on your PC or drive the EPU with the sound output of your manifestation or supermanifestation programs.  In either case, you will be able to have the orgone energy pulsate in pre-set frequencies of your choice. 

The EPU 2400 can operate as an individual Chi Generator® with middle-of-the line Chi energy output such as the LPOG 2400 DL or RAD 2000, or you can attach it to the "input EPU jack of your HD device, effectively tripling the output power of your HD device as a result of the interaction between the tree generators that are activated.

if exact frequencies are your requirement, turn the RAD 2400 HD off.  The second generator, which is fed by the pulse coming from the EPU 2400, will generate the exact frequency coming from your PC or CD player.

the LPOG 2400 HD,
the RAD 2400 HD
and the
Performer 2400

has an "Input EPU" jack. This jack leads to a second generator in the Heavy Duty orgone generating unit. This second generator is specifically designed for exterior input of the high accuracy as you can get from the EPU 2400.  On the left you see the EPU connected to the Performer 2400. 

This exterior precision pulse module has been designed to meet the requirements of persons who desire to set any frequency of their choice with absolute precision, stability, and reliability. This exact frequency requirement is desirable for specific purposes such as performance enhancement in sports, or when you work with a radionics system that is based on actual frequency settings.  On the left you see the EPU connected to the RAD 2400 HD.

Therefore, you can use it in conjunction with a stick pad, pendulum or other device to determine frequencies, and this way your chosen settings will work very much like radionics rates. This way you can either set up a system of exact frequencies that reflect specific trends or you can use a book that gives you a list of these frequencies.

The radionics qualities of this extraordinary device allow you to establish a system of your own frequency rates for trends of your choosing by rubbing a stick pad, then, when you feel the "stick", by releasing the buttons to set the corresponding frequencies.

With this exceptionally precise device, you will receive a small booklet with the most popular frequency settings such as exacr frequencies of planetary energies and for specific skills.

Therefore, the advantages of this exact frequency generator are obvious: With it you can now set your generator output at any frequency that you desire, any frequency that best reflects your needs.

Here are just a few of the many advantages of the EPU 2400:

 When having both generators running, you can triple the power output of your heavy duty device.

 Turn the interior pulse generator of your HD device off (by switching off your HD-device and powering it with the EPM 2400 only) and you can have an orgone pulse with a frequency of your choice which is extremely precise.

 Another option is to run the interior pulse generator at one of the pre-set precision frequencies (such as the 7.83 Earth Resonance Frequency, a favorite of many) and at the same time you can set the second generator at any frequency you desire (for instance 5.9 Hz for golfers, 20 Hz for magick, 25Hz for sports in general, etc.).

 Of course, you can have the EPU 2400 run by itself, in which case it operates like a Middle of the Line device with exact frequency settings of your choice.

The following applications of this extraordinary new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, orgone radionics™ devices and power radionics™ programs.
Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

agriculture, plants, break up electrosmog, DOR, gaming management pet care speed-learning
artistic inspiration business, office energy geopathic stress marketing politics supplements
attachments charisma esp and psychic herbs meditation popularity living water
attacks children family intelligence mind control profession weight control
balance competition fitness intuition money relationships weight loss
body building customers friendship lawsuits music skin care well-being
brainwaves defense gambling love NLP sports  

Suggested Equipment Combinations and their uses

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